On 29 July 2021 more than 60 participants representative of professionals and experts from key national agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Working Package 4 delegation of experts of the European Union’s Centers of Excellence for the prevention, protection and mitigation against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks, remotely met and discussed the main outcomes of an awareness-raising action carried out in the framework of the CABICHEM project.
The technical discussion commenced with general overviews by Dr. Yaugen Ryzhykau, Team Leader of Project 65 EU CBRN CoE, about the issues of managing potentially hazardous biological waste derived from animal feces in urban areas. Then, a detailed report by Dr. Alisher Safarov, local expert for the Project 65 Cabichem, displayed the work carried out in various areas of Uzbekistan about the development and promotion of an innovative model for the collection and disposal of dog and cat feces. Such innovative approach promotes the safe and correct disposal of pets’ dejections with a set of patented tools and devices to be installed in major cities and towns of the Country. The awareness-raising action includes a broad sensibilisation campaign about the risks of exposure to such biological contaminants in urban spaces, with video tutorials, information leaflets and technical meetings, with the major Uzbek agencies involved in the field of veterinary safety, healthcare service and public hygiene on the territory. Finally, Dr. Matteo Guidotti, Senior Expert for Working Package 4 from the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council, presented to the audience some specific “open points” evidenced by the current state-of-the-art and proposed research priorities to address the proper collection and disposal of animal feces in urban areas in a safe and environmentally sustainable way.
The report meeting session is part of the EU CBRN Project no. 65 on “Strengthening chemical and biological waste management in Central Asia countries for improved security and safety risk mitigation”, which is being carried out in five partner countries of Central Asia.
For further information:
Dr. Matteo GUIDOTTI, CNR-SCITEC, Milan, Italy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Yaugen RYZHYKAU, Team Leader, Project 65 EU CBRN CoE, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.