On March 18 to 20 2019 experts from the CABICHEM Consortium carried out the Second Fact Finding Mission in the Kyrgyz Republic. The mission was articulated into three days of activities comprising both field visit and conferences. (www.cabichem.eu)
On day one of the Mission, our team, composed for the occasion by Mr. Yaugen Rhyzykau (MICHR), Mr. Lesalw Gorniak (MICHR), Mr. Marcin Niemcewicz (MIHE), Mr. Grzegorz Graniak (MIHE), Mr Maksymilian Stela (MICHR) and Mr Khalmurzaev Ali (Local Expert) took part to an Opening Discussion Panel which was followed by two site visits to CBW facilities, respectively the Republican Centre for Veterinary Diagnostics and Examination and the National Centre for Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic, both of which are located in Bishkek. Our Project Experts were able, thanks to the important collaboration of local experts, to produce an assessment of the situation in terms of adopted practices and procedures. In some cases, a certain degree of training and of good practices transferral was considered necessary, while some aspects have been found in compliance with the required standards and procedures.
Day two of the mission was entirely devoted to site visits, both inside and outside the Capital. CABICHEM Consortium envoys were accompanied by local experts to the Central Specialized Toxicology and Control Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic, located in a rural area in the Chuy region. After an assessment of the situation CABICHEM experts were taken to the Ministry of Health, in particular to the Department of Disease Prevention and State sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. Third appointment of the day was scheduled at the Laboratory for State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek).
The third and last day of the mission was entirely dedicated to a site visit at the OJSC “Kyrgyz Chemical and Metallurgical Plant (Ak- Tyuz, Chuy region)- site no 1, 2, 3 and 4, located at 150 km east of Bishkek. This conclusive visit proved to be very interesting to the ends of the Project and gave the opportunity to CABICHEM envoys to better understand the needs of the Kyrgyz Republic in the realm of Chemical and Biological Wastes treatment.
The concluded three-day meeting gave to the Project Team and the Kyrgyz National Team the opportunity both to adapt the CABICHEM activities according to National requirements and to strengthen their already positive connection.
For any further information on the CABICHEM project http://www.cabichem.eu.